Physics 203-204 fulfills all the physics requirements for science majors and graduate schools.
It provides an excellent opportunity for learning physics, the fundamental science,
in a comprehensive, challenging and rewarding way. Graduates of this course have
gone on to distinguished careers in science, law, public service etc...
This course requires a good understanding of some math such as vectors, simple derivatives,
trigonometry, algebra etc....
This means: If you aren't fairly comfortable with math (especially
algebra and trigonometry),
this may require brushing up. You will in any case need to invest a lot of time doing problems,
studying and getting help particularly if you haven't had any Physics in high school or college before.
Special Permission Numbers: The
registration for the online section (90) in General Physics 203 requires a SPN.
Please use the following link to request a SPN:
Lecturer: Dr. AbdelBaki Brahmia, Busch MSLC, ARC-213, Tel:
(848) 445-1134, e-mail: abrahmia at
Text (used/recommended): Cutnell & Johnson
11th edition.
The text book is available in multiple versions:
- PRINT COMPANION-TEXT Text (ISBN: 9781119391869) includes Chapters 1–32;
- E-Book (ISBN: 978-1119391852) includes Chapters 1–32;
There are also a Student Study Guide, and a Student Solutions
Manual containing worked-out solutions to a few problems from each chapter.
These are available in the bookstores; they are entirely optional and it is up to
you whether you wish to purchase them. Note also that Wiley maintains a home
page here containing,
e.g., information on supplements and pdf versions of selected solutions to
end-of-chapter problems.