Students with Disabilities: If you have a
disability, you are urged to speak to the course supervisor early in the
semester to make the necessary arrangements to support a successful learning
experience. Also you must arrange for the
course supervisor to receive a letter from your Disability Concerns
Coordinator verifying that you have a disability. A list of the College
Coordinators can be found at
Academic Integrity: There are severe penalties for
academic dishonesty at Rutgers, with the most severe being dismissal from
the university (READ).
Any form of academic dishonesty (or cheating) in this class will be dealt
with severely. We will use everything in our power to prevent such practice.
All exams will be closed book. You will need to come to every exam with a
photo ID. You should take a seat so that there are two unoccupied
chairs on either side of you. Any attempt to communicate with
another student during an exam or to bring any material for reference in the
exam will be considered cheating.
Sharing calculators or scrap paper is strictly prohibited.